Friday, June 24, 2016

Fey Dragon

Fey Dragon
Medium: digital painting

A member of the Fairy Dragon family, Fey Dragons are tiny, brightly colored little terrors. They are native to Europe and Eurasia. Individually they are fragile and weak, but they rarely travel individually. Fey Dragons travel is massive swarms of several thousand. Swarms of over a million have been reported. These sparrow-sized dragon have voracious appetites, and while they usually prefer to clean up carrion, they won't hesitate to use their swarm numbers to overwhelm live prey should carrion become scarce. They can strip a healthy adult head of cattle down to the bone in less than an hour. A swarm rarely leaves anything but the skeleton behind, and even that is typically gnawed on by tiny dragon teeth. Fey Dragons are particularly loathed by farmers because their small size allows them to fit where larger predators (and other dragons) cannot, and because they are next to impossible to fight off due to the sheer number of dragons in a swarm. If you ever see a swarm of tiny dragons headed your way, run - and don't look back.

Despite their reputation, Fey Dragons have been domesticated and bred for their bright, extravagant wing shapes and patterns. The dragon pictured here is a wild-type Fey Dragon. They are prolific breeders and will lay several clutches of eggs during the year. However, any breeder and seller of Fey Dragons will warn you never to keep more than two at a time, and don't feed them after midnight.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

North American Wildlife

North American Guard (Lion Guard)
Medium: digital painting
I have a big interest in North American wildlife, and since The Lion Guard is all about wildlife, I decided to make all the characters as North American animals! So here we have Beshte the Bison (the strongest), Bunga the Grizzly Bear Cub (the bravest), Ono the Bald Eagle (the keenest of sight), Fuli the Pronhorn (the fastest), and Kion the Wild Stallion. I want to draw Janja and the hyenas as wolves, hehe!

North American Guard - Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu:
North American Guard - Makucha:
North American Guard - Jasiri:
North American Guard - Reirei, Goigoi, and Dogo:

Ocean Guard:
Asian Guard:
North American Guard:
Arctic Guard:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Finding Dory

Just Keep Swimming
Medium: acrylic on primed cloth
Who's ready for Finding Dory? I don't know about you, but I can't wait! I hope us fans won't be let down. I'm so glad they kept as many voices the same as possible. I mean, come on, if they made Dory anyone other than Ellen Degeneres, it would be like "who's this person pretending to be Dory?"

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Unicorn Dragon

Unicorn Dragon
Medium: digital painting
A subspecies of the Horse Dragon, Unicorn Dragons hatch with completely white scales and remain that way throughout their entire lives. They are named for the straight, single horn which stands out of their foreheads. This golden-colored horn is prized by dragon-slayers. They are adequate fliers, although they prefer to remain on the ground and hunt by hiding in forest undergrowth. Slayers have reported Unicorn Dragons disappearing into the forest without a trace.

They are slightly smaller than Horse Dragons (about the size of large deer), and prefer to live in dense forests rather than open plains. They dislike human contact and have a reputation for being "shy," although they are quite capable of defending themselves if need be. Unlike Horse Dragons, Unicorn Dragons are solitary; they do not travel in groups. They breath fire and smoke through their nostrils, not their mouths. Some people blame forest fires on Unicorn Dragons, although Unicorn Dragons are generally not destructive.

They breed only once every decade or so, and produce a single egg, which both the male and female watch over until it hatches. The female then takes over teaching the hatchling how to hunt and take care of itself.

Graverobber Dragon

Graverobber Dragon
Medium: digital painting
Graverobber Dragons feed on the dead. They are a nocturnal species, and generally don't attack living humans. They use their short forelegs to dig up graves and their large ax-like tails to smash open coffins. Their black skin lacks scales and is translucent, and the bones can be seen.

Collaboration with Navy-Blue-Falconet!

Not Deer

  Spookable Medium: digital painting "...and then it stood on its hind legs."